

Yoel Giusti 先生が 制定居合演武を披露下さいました。

On May 24, Sensei Yoel Giusti demonstrated "Seitei Iai" as a mark of respect for outside lecturers (Sensei Kallenbach and Shimamura) at the master class seminar produced by FIAMT (Fédération Internationale d'Arts Martiaux Traditionnels).

Sensei Giusti is a Deshi of Sensei Adolph Schneider who is a So-ke of FIAMT and also a representative of AKSER (Association of Karate Shotokai Egami Ryu).

2015年 5月 太気拳島村尚武師範南仏出張セミナー

For further information on Tai Ki Ken (太気拳) lesson by Sensei Shimamura, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Contact format:http://my.formman.com/form/pc/vGlyiV2FrihXCM0w/
(Please put your e-mail address two times for confirmation)

Taikiken Shiseijuku Tochigi Branch
SHIMAMURA Naotake (Tochigi, JAPAN)